The currently bald sheep. Poor thing.
In the spirit of general festivity, what better things to give to one's dear ones than some sparkly things? Diamonds, I hear you ask? Rubies and sapphires? No, don't go giving her ideas. A woolly sheep will do for starters. For, you see, my dear Dr. Sock is a dab hand with the old knitting needles, and has been threatening to get a sheep for ages. In an attempt to forestall this, I've got her one first, and yes the wool really does grow. Although the poor thing is a touch on the chilly side at the moment... I'll let you know how the fleece grows, and how she gets on with the knitting with it.
For my dad, what better way to get him to take out the geological hammer than with geodes? These wonderful little things are sufficient to assuage anyone's gambling urges, and at the same time... well, they're rocks. Can't say fairer than that.